You have had a solid career, made many advances, been respected by peers, helped many people that you have came in contact with throughout your career.
Then something happens: company has a few bad years, or company is bought out, maybe new management comes in or any other scenario that fits.
All of a sudden, you aren't valued the way you have been, you are not respected any longer, you may be looked down upon, or new management has decided they want a fresh look within your department. You find yourself out of work for any number of reasons.
That story has played out several times with people that I have had conversations with over the last couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, it can play havoc with one's mental state. One minute they are feeling good and viewed as a contributing part of the organization and the next minute they are out of a job.
Where do you go from here?
Thoughts from a career coach.
✔ Take some time away from the situation to get a clearer perspective
✔ If there are things that you can learn from the situation take those into account
✔ If there was nothing you could have done to change the outcome you have to acknowledge that and come to accept it
✔ Surround yourself with supportive individuals
✔ Update your resume
✔ Freshen up your LinkedIn profile
✔ Start to engage with people that knew you during a time that you were valued and let them know you are looking
✔ Join and attend association meetings
✔ Create your new story, practice it, repeat it until you start to believe it yourself then you are ready to interact and share it with others
✔ Give yourself a break - there is a better opportunity around the corner