Talking to a number of clients who have come to that fork in their career road. Does this sound familiar? Is it time to reevaluate the next step in your career?
Goals and dreams change as we get older. I spent the first half of my career pursuing my dreams and working towards reaching my goals. I loved the climb but then something inside me changed. I wanted something different. The things that I worked so hard for that I had achieved didn't fill me up anymore.
My priorities shifted and I am noticing that same shift happen in a number of my clients. It is an exciting time in my clients' lives. They may not think so because they are in the middle of it. But if they could see what I see in them. They are all respected, hardworking, dynamic women who have gained the experience, knowledge and respect in their industry. But they have reached that crossroad and are ready to try something new, something that brings back that excitement that has started to diminish over the last several years. They are each headed in a new rewarding direction fulfilling new goals. And I am super thankful that they have asked me to be a part of their new career journey.
If any of this resonates with you and you would like to reach out and have a conversation please DM me, email me or call me. I would love to hear your story and if you need any help along the way I would be honored to walk with you through this new chapter in your life.